On the Mark

November 17, 2009 § Leave a comment

I’m not entirely sure where this site comes from, but The Mark is a new current events/news site heavy on the analysis, and staffed, it seems, by a group of scruffy urban hipsters.  All power to them.  This site is worth a read and following in the future.

At any rate, there is a section on The Mark that looks at the future of the city in the 21st century.  It has become pretty much commonplace to refer to the 21st century as the urban century; the world’s population recently passed the tipping point and we are a predominately urban species now.  Of course, in the industrialised west, this mark was reached in the 20th century.  Canada, incidentally, was one of the first predominately urban nations in the world.  The Mark’s section on the future of the city is hosted by former Vancouver Mayor, and Premier of British Columbia, Mike Harcourt, and has brought together a pretty impressive array of news and analysis on Canada’s cities, as well as analysis on our collective future.  Worth checking out.

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